Sunday Tabata Training 

 3 groups of 4 exercises do each cycle 3 times, 45sec doing the exercise with a minute rest between each exercise once all 4 are completed take 3 minutes rest, this equals 1 Cycle. Repeat 2 more times. Then move on to the next round of 4 exercises....

Upright Row 5-10lbs

Kettlebell Swings 5-10lbs

Squats 20lbs

Russian Twist 5-10lbs


Lunges 20lbs

Arm Curls 5-10lbs


Back Rows 5-10lbs


Jump Rope

Lateral Raises 5-10lbs

In Outs

Sumo Squats 20lbs


Love Leg Day 


Lift days should consist of at least 30-45 minutes of lifting then do your walking or cardio of choice. Legs are large muscle so remember we can go a heavier. Weights are just suggested ranges, it's more important to keep form than increasing the weight.

15 repetitions of each exercise

3 sets of each

Squats 15-20lbs                          

Cruches 30sec


Leg Extesions 30lbs

Mountain Climbers 30sec      


Good Morning with Bar  

Calf Press 30sec    


Sumo Squats 20lbs                                                

Plank 30sec


Leg Deadlift 10-15lbs 

In Out on Ball 30sec              


Straight Leg Deadlift 15-20lbs  

 Hanging Side to Side Lifts 30sec

by Jill Rubenacker

Amazing Arms

3sets of each group

15 repetitions each 


Arm Curls 10-15lbs                                                

Russian Twist 30sec         


Tricep Extension 15lbs

 Push Up 15 rep                                             


 Hammer Curl 10-15lbs

Tricep Dip 30sec     


Arm Row 10-15lbs                                                                        

Ab roller 15                          


Kettle bell Swing 10-15lbs.

Ball Sit ups 30sec                                        


Skull Crusher 10-20lbs

Side to Side  30sec


By Jill Rubenacker

Beautiful Back

3sets of each group

15 repetitions each 

Bent Row 15-20lbs                                              

Leg Ups 30sec                        


Lateral Pull Down 15lbs

In Out  30 sec                                                 


 Overhead Pull 10-15lbs     

Ball Back Raises 30sec     


Pull Up/Assisted                    .                                                                          

Plank 30sec                           


Deadlifts 40-50lbs

 Airplane 30sec                                             


One Arm Row 15-20lbs

Bicycle  30sec

By Jill Rubenacker

Sexy Shoulders

3sets of each group

15 repetitions each 

Front Raise 5-10lbs                                                

Ball Raise Sit up 30sec            


Shoulder Press 5-10lbs

Hip Thrust 15 rep                                      


 Upright Rows 10-15lbs 

Jacks 30sec     


T Hold 5-10lbs                                                                                    

Side Crunch 30sec                     


 Lateral Raise10-15lbs

Jump Rope 30sec                                  


One Arm Press 5-10lbs 

V Reach 30sec

by Jill Rubenacker