

We all have a story...

My story may sound all too familiar to many of you. As a young lady I was raised in a small town with strong family values and the understanding that family and marriages stay together no matter what. I also took on the belief somewhere that I wasn't smart enough, pretty enough...never enough. As early as first grade I recall believing I was dumb and that my long red hair was embarrassingly ugly, (so ironic that I love it so much today). The beliefs I had about myself led me to a path of insecurity, weight fluctuations, eating disorders, and the extreme need for others approval.  I gave so much to others that I had nothing left for myself.  The number one entity that was missing out of my life was Self Love 💕. I married a man I truly loved at 22, had my first son at 25 and another at 27.  My family was my everything, I tried to do it all ...stay at home with my boys, work night shift for over 14 years, do everything in my power to make it all flow. My marriage had suffered some very trying times over the years and unfortunately my husband lacked self love too. This caused us to part ways after 20 years of marriage. During my 39th year in this world I decided to start finding out who Jill really is...I hit the weights and the road. This is the body that emerged from digging deep into my past emotions, figuring out how to love myself and a lot of self personal training. As a Registered Nurse, with a B.S. in Community Health Education and a Certified Personal Health Coach, my passion is to help others find the Will to love themselves enough to go after the body and life they crave.


 Freeing myself from my old story that I'm not enough and allowing myself to Love myself "flaws and all" has made a miraculous change in me that I can't wait to share with others. My mission is to help you find Yourself, Strength and Will